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Have you heard a news story and wondered: why was someone so blindly obedient? What made that person so prejudiced against others? How are addictions caused? How is it possible that someone was convicted for a crime they didn’t commit?! These are all questions that psychologists are interested in finding the answers to as Psychology studies the human mind and behaviour.  

At AGS, we follow the Edexcel psychology syllabus which covers a wide range of psychological theory and studies from different areas of the subject. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on understanding how research by psychologists furthers our knowledge of what affects our behaviour and how this can be applied to situations in society.  In year 12 and 13 students get to plan, conduct and analyse their own research. 

Why take Psychology at AGS? 

Not only do we teach an engaging and interesting curriculum but our department seeks to generate an interest and love of all things psychology through trips to mental health institutions, the safari park to experience phobia treatments, meeting ex-offenders, and recommendations of fascinating books, documentaries and podcasts! Our overwhelmingly positive annual feedback from year 13 students is a clear demonstration of our dedicated and knowledgeable department. 

Year 13 student (2024): “A thoroughly interesting, enticing and diverse course taught by engaging and inspiring teachers.”

We can’t wait to welcome you to the wonderful world of Psychology! 

Take a look below at what you will study:

Psychology A-level Edexcel

Year 12

Topic 1

Social Psychology

  • Prejudice and discrimination
  • Obedience
  • Use of surveys
  • Ethical issues in research

Topic 2

Cognitive Psychology

  • Memory and forgetting
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Alzheimer’s 
  • Use of experiments
  • Analysis of quantitative data
  • Statistical testing

Topic 3

Biological Psychology

  • Central nervous system
  • The role of genes, evolution and hormones in  development
  • The role of the brain
  • Aggression
  • Freud’s psychodynamic theories
  • Use of twin and adoption studies
  • Use of PET, CAT and fMRI scans

Topic 4

The Learning Theories

  • Classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theory
  • Media violence
  • Causes and treatments of phobias
  • Anorexia
  • Use of observations
  • Use of animal experiments
  • Animal ethics
  • Analysis of qualitative data

Year 13

Clinical Psychology

  • Definitions of abnormality
  • Diagnosis of mental illness
  • Causes and treatments of schizophrenia
  • Causes and treatments of depression
  • How attitudes to mental health have changed in the media
  • Use of case studies and interviews
  • Primary and secondary data

Either Criminal Psychology

  • Causes of crime
  • Treating offenders
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Factors affecting jury decision making
  • Use of laboratory and field experiments

Or Child Psychology

  • Attachment
  • Deprivation and privation
  • Autism
  • Daycare
  • Use of observations and questionnaires/interviews
  • Cross cultural studies

Issues and debates

  • Ethics
  • Issues related to socially sensitive research
  • Research methods
  • Contributions of Psychology to society
  • Is Psychology a science?
  • Comparisons of ways of explaining behaviour
  • Cultural and gender issues in psychological research
  • Nature nurture debate
  • Social control
  • How psychological understanding has developed over time