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A Level - OCR Course H431

As the world is becoming increasingly globalised, with diverse workforces, advancements in technology, booming e-commerce and a focus on sustainability in the commercial world; A Level Business provides students with an in-depth understanding of how a business survives in a dynamic environment. The course looks at how businesses function at a micro level as well as how they are influenced by external factors, both from within their home country and further afield.

The study of Business is ultimately about a student's ability to critically analyse the decisions that Businesses have to make from an operational, tactical and strategic perspective. The OCR course that AGS delivers is examined by taking the core theoretical knowledge and adapting that to three business environments - local, UK and Global (please see the picture below). Therefore, the most important skill the department embeds into students is the ability to apply learnt knowledge to a given scenario. This is done via delivering engaging lessons using a multitude of resources as well as looking at case studies of both unknown and popular businesses to ensure students gain a well-rounded scenario based classroom experience. Beyond the classroom, we try to enrich the students' knowledge with the use of podcasts and reading recommendations, external speakers and trips. 

Studying Business will enable students to develop a range of skills including data analysis and academic writing as well as example based learning, teamwork and developing their understanding of the world of work. Students will learn how to overcome business issues, tackle internal and external challenges that businesses may face and engage in discussions which allow for active debate on the best course of action for a business to take. 

Business is one of the most flexible A Levels in terms of supporting further education and careers. 59% of our A Level cohort in 2023/2024 went on to study a Business, Management or Leadership related degree or Apprenticeship. It is clear in our ever-changing world that studying Business provides students with an excellent foundation in understanding what the world of work has to offer, both in terms of its opportunities and threats. Gaining this knowledge at A Level inspires many to enter the commercial world as it continues to grow and develop in many different and exciting ways. Yet, it is also clear that Business has links with other subjects, including Modern Foreign Languages and Humanities as well as Physical Education and Psychology. Studying Business is invaluable as it has real-life application to both practical and theoretical pathways as all students at some point in their life will interact with the Business world in some way.